Edison High School Class of 1963
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Edison High School Class of 1963 - Leisure Time
Test your knowledge of our away-from-Edison hours.

1. Who was Pennington's chief rival?
A - Duffy's
B - Arnie's
C - The Cog
D - Mr. T's
E - The Immortal Mr. T's
F - Bull & Bear

2. What was the name of the cop at Pennington's?
A - Myrle
B - Luther
C - Omar
D - Jake
E - Ralph
F - Steve Busch

3. Which of our favorite drive-in movie theatres is still in business?

4. What were Mr. & Mrs. Pennington's names?
A - Fred & Ginger
B - Dick & Jane
C - Arch & Lola
D - Fred & Wilma
E - Dick & Liz

5. Which one was NOT a girl's high school social club?
A - Rajah
B - Theta
C - Breezers
D - Pirates
E - Aiscak
F - Skippers

6. Which one was NOT a boy's high school social club?
A - Knights
B - Lancers
C - Titans
D - Trojans
E - Broncs

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