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Marilyn Reed - 01-18-2017
Just dropped by to see if anything new has been posted. Always enjoy the pictures. Karen Hamilton Fraser - 09-03-2014
Hi Marilyn,
Good to hear from you. Â We need to finish getting the reunion pictures on the website. Â There are more of them on our Facebook page, Edison Class of 1963 Tulsa OK.
How are you doing? Â Lots of memories of our Holland Hall days!
Karen marilyn locke reed - 09-02-2014
Nice website, enjoyed browsing. Â I wish there were more recent entries. I liked
the pictures of the reunion. Thanks for putting this together. Judith Ann Irby - 04-29-2013
Retired, but still getting around! Gary Anderson - 08-09-2012
I was cleaning out some trunks in the garage last weekend and came across my Torch yearbooks from our three high-school years as well as my letter jacket(!). So much for the rest of the weekend. I spent all of it going through the yearbook, reading old signatures, remembering events and highlights – like posing all of the royalty attendents at the 4th National Bank downtown for that double-page spread photo, and finding a pic of myself in that same letter jacket in the book.
Can't wait for next year's reunion -- But can we get enough people back to fill Cain's Ballroom? I don't remember ever going there in high school; seems as if it was just a country/western joint then.
But remember going to Pennington's for beer-batter shrimp? B RYAN - 07-11-2012
WAS JOHNNY MARTIN MARRIED TO PATTY MCGRATH? Georgia Brown Johnson - 05-23-2012
Incredible web site! Thank you for all of your hard work. Jim Stanton - 05-23-2011
How about adding some more controversial questions to the 'Polls'? Â Politics, social views, and the like? Â It would be interesting to see how those have changed over time.
Best wishes to all. Linda Kupper - 03-03-2011
It was wonderful find this website almost 50 years later. Â Does anyone know how to reach Jimmy Lee, my class friend since 7th grade. Frank J. Carr III - 03-23-2010
I recently found my fathers 1963 Edison year book. His name was Frank J Carr, if any one knows or remember's him please get in contact with me at electrician1974@yahoo.com . If you were a friend of his that will be even better! Jim Sellen - 10-07-2009
I am working with several class of 64 members so we don't miss our 50th. Â I hope you will consider Dusty Ward's suggestion that you invite our class to your 50th. Â I believe we can learn a lot from the organized class of 63! Robert and Susan Tyler - 03-17-2009
My husband and I have been putting a Family Tree together and was researching his Belated sister; Margie who was in your Class of 1963, when we came across a Photo someone named Ricky put on here in your Memory Page, of Margaret Stokes Tyler.
We would sincerily like to Thank You for this. Now we have a Photo of her.
God Bless You All.
John Conley - 01-17-2009
I viewed your web page, and i am very impressed. It is without a doubt,one of the best sites i have looked at. I wish our school would do as much.
John Conley
ww.conleysgeneralstore.com Dusty Ward - 11-02-2007
I was in the class behind you guys, the class of '64. I really enjoyed your site - brought back many good memories of my high school years. My cousin, Jana Wassam, was in your class and I really chuckled when I read in the trivia section that she was 'Miss Can of 1963.' I liked the reunion pictures and recognized many faces and names. I've attended all the '64 class reunions, but we somehow never got it together for the 40th. Hey, since you guys are so organized, maybe you could invite the class of '64 to your 50th in 2113! Matt Arbuckle - 09-17-2007
What a spectacular website and way to keep your class alive forever!
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