Edison High School Class of 1963
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Edison High School Class of 1963 - Class Museum
Pictures in Gallery: 23
Hey all of you Edison High Shcool Classmates, help us preserve our 1963 Class history. Upload your artifacts and memorbilia from the past here in our Class Museum.   With the size of a class like ours, this could grow into something special if everyone will contribute a little something, so make the effort to see what you have that might be appropriate for this area.

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The emblem of our past
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 7747

Our sophomore class literary publication.   Editors were Bob Jordan & Pi Smith.   Faculty Advisor was Rosemary Chase.   Art Directors were Gordon Groom & Di Ainsworth.  Award wi...
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 6284

EYRIE 1963 - All school anthology of short stories, essays & poetry.   This was the first time such a publication had been done.  
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 6113

Our Senior Class Play.   The All Star Cast included Vinson Smith, Jon Bascom, Diane Blaisdell, Carol Soule, Pam McKissick, Kent Smith, Sandy Thurber,  Grant Youngman, Mike Cleveland, Phyl...
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 6011

DIPLOMA - Our ticket to the future!
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 6385

Shake out your tassel - remember the joy & relief of graduation day! We did it!
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 6429

EDISON ECHOES - the summary of our years at Edison
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 6259

Our Alma Mater.  Does anyone remember the tune?   And the words to 'Hail, Hail to Edison?'
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 7789

CLASS PROPHECY - did any of this come true?
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 6546

MEMORIES - These things are in our minds & hearts forever.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 6325

Don't you all still talk like that?
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 6233

[ View Slideshow ] - Pages: 1  2  

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