Our class Chat Room, 'The Pub' is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and we invite you to drop in anytime. Also, we encourage everyone to participate in our regularly scheduled Monthly Chat on the 9th of each month. The chat time is 9:00 P.M. Eastern and 8:00 P.M. Central (Tulsa) time.
You can contribute as much as you want or just observe. Our first monthly chat was well attended and we expect an even larger turn out next month so stop by and catch up on what your classmates have been up to these past 40 years.
When you enter the chat room, you can type /help for directions on how to chat if you are new to the concept. Also, you can review previous chat dialogue by typing the command /show 2000 with the number representing the number of messages you would like to review from the previous 96 hours.
If you are unable to attend the regular chat sessions, we will post an archive of the monthly chats on the Message Board so feel free to review any of the chat sessions when you have the time.
Thanks and we hope to see you for chat in 'The Pub' soon. If you want to remember the date for our regularly scheduled monthly chats, it SIMPLE… just add our class years together: 6 + 3 = 9th of each and every month.